
Specto is a specialized company in software development and professional training. It was responsible for the operation of the ICDL program in Jordan under the umbrella of UNECSO Cairo Office during the period 2001 and 2011. Since 2011 and until now, it has been responsible for the ICDL Program in 10 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, reporting directly to the ICDL Foundation, Dublin, Ireland. Moreover, Specto developed one of a few Automated Testing Systems in the world for ICDL tests, which is available in Arabic, English and French. It also developed a Management Information System that is used in about 15 countries in the MENA region. Specto is working now on a unique Property Management System that uses the most recent technologies such as Blockchain, Smart Contract, and Artificial Intelligence, which will be used in one of the largest real estate projects in the Gulf area.


Everyone should possess the skills to use digital technology effectively regardless of age, gender or background.

Every educational institute should provide a world-class testing experience for its students.


We empower everyone with the ICT skills needed for a brighter life.

We make testing an exciting and joyful experience.

We develop innovative and state-of-the-art IT solutions for high security and efficient services.


Specto Automated Test System (ATS)

Specto Automated Testing System was developed by experts to provide a professional, reliable and a high quality testing environment that measures candidates’ skills in a precise manner by eliminating dependencies among questions, supporting dynamicity, and updating contents frequently. Specto ATS keeps ICDL centers updated with the latest exams database and provides them with new test streams frequently and as soon as these are needed and can easily be integrated with any ICDL administration system.

Specto ATS was proven to be a scalable, secure, and user-friendly system based on the National Operators, partners, and center’s feedback. The ATS system was developed in a way that allows candidates to interact directly with the supported applications which ensures a 100% fair grading process. More than 2,291,233 tests were conducted by Specto and still counting.

ICDL Administration System (IAS)

Specto IAS is a web – based application that handles all day-to–day operational issues from end –to-end, starting from the time a center submits an application to become ICDL accredited till candidates sit for the ICDL exams and have their certificates printed. Specto IAS securely automates all issues related to the operation of the ICDL program at the National Operator, country and center levels. The dynamic nature of the ICDL program necessitates the IAS application, which handles changes applied to the program whether it is a change of supplier, Syllabus version, or requirements. The IAS guarantees all data and results are maintained irrespective of changes. Specto IAS applies all the Quality Assurance Standards set by ECDL Foundation automatically, greatly reduces manpower needed to manage the ICDL operation, and ensures efficiency and timeliness of operation. Specto IAS is seamlessly integrated with Specto ATS to ensure a comprehensive and reliable automated testing solution. It can also be integrated with other administration systems smoothly.

Specto IAS securely automates all issues related to the operation of the ICDL program at the National Operator, country and center levels. The dynamic nature of the ICDL program necessitates the IAS application, which handles changes applied to the program whether it is a change of supplier, Syllabus version, or requirements. The IAS guarantees all data and results are maintained irrespective of changes. Specto IAS applies all the Quality Assurance Standards set by ECDL Foundation automatically, greatly reduces manpower needed to manage the ICDL operation, and ensures efficiency and timeliness of operation. Specto IAS is seamlessly integrated with Specto ATS to ensure a comprehensive and reliable automated testing solution. It can also be integrated with other administration systems smoothly.

Visit IAS website for more information.


E-Learner is a reputable international company run by a team of qualified teachers. It provides an integrated ICT curriculum to approximately 4500+ schools in 15 countries, including South Africa, Australia, Malaysia Mexico, USA, UK, Jordan, Egypt, etc… e-Learner is an ECDL endorsed product which equips candidates with a solid foundation for progressing on to ICDL qualification. It is a certified, modular course of progressive ICT skills utilizing courseware from e-Learner. Using a unique and integrated approach, e-Learner provides the means to acquire essential ICT skills across a spectrum of 7 units.

For more information visit: e-learner website


E-Book System aims to provide a superior method for the organizing and viewing of digital information which equivalent of a conventional our printed materials, with Digital Flip Technology. Digital Flip Technology lets you skim and flip through the contents of a book at your own pace, and flip through upcoming pages while holding your place at another. Also, it provides the capability to incorporate multimedia contents such as video, audio, animations, and images through the contents of a book.

Access your e-book.
Click Here
Real Estate Management System

Real Estate Management System (REMS) is an online real estate software application that manages the overall operational activities and processes, starting from the management of the property, to the management of real estate users, wallets, assets, contracts and financial transactions. It provides comprehensive reports for managing the Real Estate agency performance and efficiency, and enables the management for a better decision-making.


Specto provides students who registered for its international certificates, with comprehensive and high quality educational materials which were used by large number of schools, universities, and centers in different countries. The books cover all skills mentioned in its related syllabus and assist candidates towards achieving their qualification.

Most materials are available in Arabic, English and French languages.

Discover our materials.
Click Here



Professional Certifications
Exams Delivered
(in the last 10 years)
Training Providers
Years of Reputation